Proof of stake consensus – why appealing? Part 2

In part 1, we focused on one similarity and two types of PoS algorithm. This article will briefly review this and then discuss why proof of stake was introduced.

The power of ethereum

Have you ever realized the power of Ethereum? In this article, we will discuss a few applications that the Ethereum blockchain is being used for. With more than 300, 000 developers across the world developing applications using more than 10, 000 nodes, Ethereum’s power is only beginning to be felt.

Blockchain indexing – a marvelous feat!

The graph has immerged as that blockchain “search engine” equivalent to google… it is a protocol developed to specifically index and make queries on blockchain data. As a blockchain user, you have much to explore and learn about the Graph.

Why we need decentralized systems

The coming of blockchain and bitcoins have amplified decentralization as never before. While there are assertions that decentralization has given advantages to the “bad guys” to carry out their evil schemes, there is very good reasons to believe that decentralization is what we need as a society in this era.

Possible effects of blockchain on world business enterprises.

With Blockchain gaining more and more momentum and adaptations across different platform, it appears the technology is just heating up and is yet to reach its climax in ita transformative wave across businesses. This article endeavours to speculate on the possible effects Blockchain will have on businesses in general.

Enterprise blockchain platforms (part 3)

The need for more centralization and a choice of consensus mechanisms are among the critical factors that determine the success of individual enterprise blockchains. There are arguments that this compromises on the security feature as opposed to decentralization and scalability.

The “new” Ox protocol

how “new” is the new way the Ox protocol work with regard to the exchange coins? If you know, the person you want to trade with, all you need is to send an Ox order via messenger or email. Then, all they need to do is accept the order and execute.

The three pillars of a distributed system

By Lumai Mubanga. [email protected] In a previous article, I pointed out that distributed systems are the foundation of the bitcoin/block chain technology. It is now common knowledge, despite many current debates for and against this technology that the world is at a verge of a major breakthrough in technological advancement. For example, think for a […]

Can hyperledger surpass bitcoins?

Launched in 2017 by the Linux foundation, hyper ledger has been gaining momentum, perhaps more that bitcoin blockchain. What is it that could be making hyperledger more appealing than its predecessor?

Types of cryptocurrencies

There are three types of cryptocurrencies, namely the self-organizing cryptocurrency, the corporate cryptocurrency and state-based cryptocurrency. This article will highlight some significant differences between them.