Types of cryptocurrencies

There are three types of cryptocurrencies, namely the self-organizing cryptocurrency, the corporate cryptocurrency and state-based cryptocurrency. This article will highlight some significant differences between them.

Blockchain and the stock exchange

If after hours trading refers to the case of trading, what’s stopping financial institutions from enabling after hours trading online today?

What is Initial Coin Offerings – ICO

Since the inception of cryptocurrencies, initial coin offering has become a buzz word, if not a household name for cryptocurrency enthusiasts. Other cryptocurrency hobbyists simply wonder what it is all about. This article will briefly explain what ICO is and why you may be the next interesting beneficiary.

Blockchain is not a magic bullet for all applications. (part 1)

In spites of all the enthusiasm and hopes brought by blockchain, it is not a magic bullet for every type of problem or challenges. Many applications continue to be developed for different sectors but not all applications will be blockchain-based. This article looks at which applications may or may not be suitable for adoption on the blockchain technology.

Why people may be turning to blockchain for financial trust

After the 2007 to 2009 financial meltdown that left millions financially stranded and asset-stripped, people seemed to have gained a measure of trust to blockchain and cryptocurrencies that came on board almost immediately.

Blockchain applications in real estate

Malicious attackers, poor record-keeping, government corruption and natural disasters have made land management and real estate management a real challenge. How is the blockchain technology being applied to solve some of these problems?

Bitcoin VS Ethereum – The major differences

By Lumai Mubanga. [email protected] Ethereum and Bitcoin are the two most popular blockchain platforms in the world today, but have two different goals. In a way, Bitcoin is referred to as the “gold standard” of blockchain. Although it is a well-known fact the founders of bitcoin are unknown as opposed to the founders of Ethereum, […]

Can hyperledger surpass bitcoins?

Launched in 2017 by the Linux foundation, hyper ledger has been gaining momentum, perhaps more that bitcoin blockchain. What is it that could be making hyperledger more appealing than its predecessor?

Getting Bitcoins the easy way

By Lumai Mubanga. [email protected] To deal with Bitcoins successfully, you need to understand what a wallet is and what wallet mechanisms are in place. There is a lot happening in this sector that may leave many confused. A certain amount of level headedness is required to minimize this especially for those awakening to the demands […]

Likely barriers to blockchain adoption in developing countries

While the developed countries easily adopt these technologies easily because of their educated populace and advanced infrastructure, the developing countries have their own challenges that make them either delay or forego the adoption. This article will highlight the most likely barriers developing countries will likely face in adopting blockchain.