Can cryptocurrency be legal tender?

by Lumai Mubanga Legal tender is usually government-issued and controlled. It is regarded, as a national assert recognized and used as legal tender in other neighbouring countries. Legal tender is also regarded as national pride and a sign of sovereignty. Some more powerful legal tender currencies like the US Dollar are also used as reserve […]

The Bitcoin bubble and altcoins

The crypto space has seen an increase in alternative Cryptocurrencies besides the Bitcoin. Why was the phrase “Bitcoin bubble” coined? What are altcoins and what value do they bring to the ever widening crypto space?

Can public blockchain be permissioned?

We often refer to the public blockchain when discussing bitcoin, Ethereum and other related platforms. Can public blockchain be used for permissioned solutions? Can public blockchain be permissioned?

The rise of enterprise blockchain

As Bitcoin and blockchain grew increasingly popular, banks and large corporations noticed the potential applications of this new technology.

Blockchain application and the financial industry

When bitcoin was invented, it had clear goals of eliminating the controlling financial authorities over personal funds. It aimed to eliminate banks and other financial institutions and give power back to the owners. However, when enterprise blockchain became popularized, blockchain found fertile soils for easy incorporation into its genetic code. Diverse applications resulted.

MakerDAO, a decentralized finance or Defi application. is it for you?

Decentralized finance has immerged as an offshoot from the blockchain. Decentralized finance was probably unknown when bitcoin was first launched. However, it has become prominent with the surge of Ethereum network. What is it all about and is it one of those crypto “circuits” you can explore?

Proof of stake consensus – why appealing? Part 2

In part 1, we focused on one similarity and two types of PoS algorithm. This article will briefly review this and then discuss why proof of stake was introduced.

Blockchain application and foreign aid

Foreign aid disbursements have been a challenge for donor countries for some time. The aid is normally sent to developing countries in war-torn countries, refugee camps and underdeveloped countries especially in Africa, South America and middle east. some of the challenges have been lack of accountability, absence of records and the aid not reaching the intended recipients. Blockchain, however, seems to have been the solution already. This article will discuss how that could be possible and how it is being done.

Anonymous and pseudonymous, are they bitcoins black holes?

Secret societies and other underground groupings involved in both illicit and dangerous activities are usually associated with anonymity and pseudonymity connotations. Secret organizations and underground groupings do not want to be tracked and latter prosecuted. Anonymity is thus a protection mechanism.

Is blockchain a natural evolution?

The debate as to whether the rise and adoption of blockchain is a natural evolution or a consequence of revolution will be around for some time to come. While others contend that it is a revolution, others strongly feel that it is an evolution because change is inevitable.