Why the rapid growth of blockchain in Asia Pacific region

The Asian Pacific region is one unique region in the world that has witnessed the rapid growth of blockchain application. Perhaps only next to Europe and the US, it has surpassed Latin America and Africa combined.

The birth of monero (XMR)

This article will explore the early attempts made in search of transaction anonymity, what protocols supported that designs as well as how Monero forked to be what it is today.

The blockchain – what it is part 2

In this article, we continue to look at that comparison by considering other features that make it unique and adaptable for worldwide use such as distributed, a chain of blocks and process integrity.

How Africa can immensely benefit from blockchain technology (part 3)

In this article, we will discuss how Africa can still benefit in other areas such as credible voting.

Will Cryptocurrencies democratize everything?

The well-known immediate effect of cryptocurrencies in our world today has been its decentralization of finances sector. However, could this successful decentralization of some financial transactions lead to more decentralization or democratization of other spheres of day-to-day life?

What is Bitcoin?

By Lumai Mubanga, [email protected] In his article, I would like to endeavor to answer the question, what is Bitcoin? In answering this question in future articles, I write about the origins and motivations leading to the development of this crypto currency. Later on, I will touch on a number of important concepts related to crypto […]

Fundamental comparisons between hyperledger and ethereum (part 2)

In part (2), we will consider three more aspects, namely the consensus mechanisms, processing times, and privacy. This will throw more light on the dynamics of blockchain technology and highlight the reason why no one platform is the answer to all challenges.

Mining hardware – The evolution

By Lumai Mubanga. [email protected] When Nakamoto Satoshi released the source code for bitcoins in 2009, he probably did not realise the wider effects of that act on the world economy. He set forth a stream of innovations that would give birth to different terms and expressions that would become common in our century and beyond. […]

Blockchain and conflict minerals

African is well known for its mineral wealth many of which is rare, expensive, and in high demand. However, Africa is also well known for civil strife especially in areas where these minerals are found. One mineral that was recently classified as a conflict mineral is tantalum.

Proof of work, a “weak” but desired protocol

The proof of work protocol has been in use for some time and notably for good reasons. Despite its deficiencies in terms of delayed transaction processing speeds, proof of work is considered a deliberate design meant to win the trust of network users. How so?