Bitcoin VS Ethereum – The major differences

By Lumai Mubanga. [email protected] Ethereum and Bitcoin are the two most popular blockchain platforms in the world today, but have two different goals. In a way, Bitcoin is referred to as the “gold standard” of blockchain. Although it is a well-known fact the founders of bitcoin are unknown as opposed to the founders of Ethereum, […]

10 Blockchain facts you may not know

Significantly, as a tech-oriented person, you already know what a blockchain is. Yet, some of you may not know about it exactly.

The relation between crypto wallet, blockchain, and bitcoin

When the bitcoin first appeared eight years ago, it promised a change in payments. People could transact directly with each other without relying on banks – but that promise had not yet been fulfilled and bitcoin had little acceptance.

How Blockchain Secure Cloud Storage

The main reason why businesses use blockchain is that blockchain could create a complete record, that craft in its chain that shows every data movement that happens. The data record is shared with all the stakeholders within a close loop network.

Bitcoin Ultimatum a new technology in the blockchain world

The blockchain development team has acquired a new bitcoin called the Bitcoin Ultimatum (BTCU). The idea developed for BTCU is another cryptocurrency, the beginnings of which are explained by Ethereum.