Tag Archive for: Blockchain Technology

The World Today With Bitcoin

The fact that this is not traceable it is a bad thing. Because once you make a mistake in transferring so much money to another or bitcoin, someone you don’t know, someone you have no idea about, then consider it a loss.

Proof of stake consensus – why appealing? Part 1

Recently it was announced that the new launch Ethereum 2.0 will adopt the proof of stake algorithm. Why could this algorithm be more appealing?

The cost of bringing the Blockchain Technology to developing countries

By Wirba Brice Divine Ransinyuy. [email protected] Editor Notes: Title is slightly updated The creation and the existence of such a technology like the Blockchain technology is actually good news for the entire world in general and for developing countries in particular. It is a technology that developing countries really need as they are being plagued […]

Blockchain is not a magic bullet for all application part 3

In parts 1 and 2, we discussed a number of characteristics required for applications to consider before leveraging blockchain platform for efficiency and robustness. In this article, we round it up with three more criteria for blockchain use.

Difference between Crypto Currency and Paper Money

By Rayed Hanif. [email protected] In a world run by money, is now taking different forms and shapes. Technology is changing the world in a good and bad way in terms of every field that ever existed or will ever exist. One of the major topics raised nowadays is about the online currency with majority of […]

Is blockchain technology making better world?

Blockchain technology can support banks, insurance, medical and pharmaceutical industries, many other sectors. Centralized majority of “trusted third parties” are banks, notaries, signs, and so on. Can be replaced by a distributed network system in the blockchain.

Applications of 3D Blockchain

Applications 3D blockchain platforms are now accessible. The development of these projects is because of cryptocurrency. The plan is managed using different cryptocurrencies.

Commercial enterprise of Facebook cryptocurrency

He is preparing to release the bitcoin version of the messaging program for use on Facebook, WhatsApp, Messenger and Instagram. This could be a long-awaited success, as Facebook is the world’s leading technology company in the lucrative microfinance market. Or not?

The Philosophy behind ox – zrx token

Defined on the coinmarketcap.com website as an open-source protocol, Ox (ZRX) uses smart contracts to enable peer to peer exchange of tokens. There is a strong belief by the OX creators that everything will eventually be tokenized.

Can blockchain be applied to control land authorities

Many backward countries face major challenges in terms of land resources. Without proper management, distribution, and accounting of operations, millions of hectares of land are widely publicized.