Tag Archive for: Blockchain Technology

Can Blockchain Technology Help Dropshipper?

Drop shippers need a real-time supplier inventory. A decentralized database using blockchain makes every supplier connected to all your supply chain. Every time there is an updated product, it will become easy to trace.

Cryptocurrency exchange in Serbia

By Darko Kolaric The popularity of cryptocurrencies in Serbia is also evidenced by the news last week that customs officers at the Bački Breg border crossing prevented the smuggling of 55 bitcoin devices worth almost 10,000 euros, which were tried to smuggle two Serbian citizens into Serbia. which is used and distributed electronically. There are […]

Bitcoin merchanics – key generation best practices

By Lumai Mubanga. [email protected] Depending on your level of involvement in the Bitcoin ecosystem, you surely should have either a hot or a cold wallet to conduct transactions. Sending and receiving bitcoins into your wallet requires that you generate a private key were you will receive the bitcoins. Recall that, to successfully transact, you need […]

The rise and development of Blockchain technology

By Wirba Brice Divine Ransinyuy. [email protected] Central banks and retailing banks are pursuing how to better get in contact with blockchain technology. A huge number of central banks throughout the world have started to research, do piloting and actively aiming on how to better use the blockchain technology in all its aspects from the biggest […]

Ethereum blockchain and the plight of retirees worldwide

t is not uncommon to read the following headlines in some national and private newspapers: “Retirees protest over unpaid retirement”. This article will discuss how the Ethereum blockchain can solve some of these endemic problems.

The blockchain – what it is not (part 1)

In parts one and two of “blockchain – what it is”, we discussed why the tech design of blockchain has enabled it to be adaptable for worldwide use and adoption. Unlike the internet, blockchain is all about resource and asset management as opposed to information sharing and determination. But is blockchain infallible? What is it not?

Internet of things (IoT) and the blockchain

Many IoT systems have a single point of failure. Once that single point of failure is attacked, the whole system becomes compromised. Can blockchain turn the tables?

Types of Bitcoin wallets

By Lumai Mubanga. [email protected] There are many forms of crypto wallets but basically, they are categorized into two groups as either hot or cold. Hot Wallets Hot wallets are online based but the difference lies in the method of access. Smartphone Apps Some examples of hot wallets are smartphone apps such as Mycelium and AirBitz. […]

Digital currencies payments and market infrastructures

Many banks often function in a typical manner of retailing payments as a part of their role in maintaining the stability and effectiveness of financial systems and keeping the confidence in the used currencies. With the emergence of the new form of currencies, commonly known as digital currencies, it is being examined by different committees and organizations and as such, it has had an immediate and direct impact on payments and market infrastructures.

Is the current surge in cryptocurrencies, a case of cause and effect?

The financial crisis of 2008 could be defined as an epoch event in the history of humankind that passed and left a trail of unknown effects, effects that would be felt decades after it is even forgotten. One though cannot mention that event without mentioning the banking sector.