Real-life experience in the blockchain world

By Verdzekov Bernard. [email protected] I thought I could keep this to myself, but wants to read on a real-life experience and also it is good for people around the world who will read this, to be aware of the things go on around the world. Base on real life fact, and personal experience, I […]

The use of Bitcoin and other currencies

To an extend, if everyone should accept crypto, sending and receiving crypto will be very easy. Though before we get to that stage, we will all pass through measure challenges and if this challenge is above us, then dropping it completely will one day be an option.

Saving information with blockchain tech.

Blockchain technology has made it possible for information to be save. With the blockchain, information could be kept save and for a very long period of time without being interrupted or destroyed. Not only for money transactions, not only for coins, but for a general-purpose including saving information.

The Risk of Losing Your Coins

People working hard and dying still living their family behind to suffer because of NO digital access to a wallet where their money is all stored. This is a fact. This may not be quickly realis now, but with the Bitcoin is striving, one day it will be the main coin used for transactions.

Bitcoin and Bitcoin Mining

The world with bitcoin today, is not like before. How bitcoin is large today and known by so many, Is not as before. The courage people have to deal with bitcoin is different as before.

Making money with BTC and some of its myths.

Putting all mentioned into consideration, I feel the whole idea about BTC was to benefit a particular class of people. When you look at the rate of 1BTC now, you will see that, or understand that, if you do not invest with huge sums of money, then you will be relegated at the back and benefit just from pennies. Why not cling to the old currency.

Bitcoin for the change

BTC will change the world. I believe so. So many people will benefit from it nationwide when they all accept to use it as well. We will both cry and be happy at same time.

The World Today With Bitcoin

The fact that this is not traceable it is a bad thing. Because once you make a mistake in transferring so much money to another or bitcoin, someone you don’t know, someone you have no idea about, then consider it a loss.

How Bitcoin and other crypto currencies have influenced the Internet…

With the introduction of Bitcoin, that has really increased the traffic with the internet. Many have benefited from Bitcoin others have lost to and the number isn’t small. But the funny thing about all this that, this rich scheme model, most world richest are still skeptic about it.

How crypto boomed in times of corona virus (series 2)

For Blochian technology, detailing and storing of information for a perfect sure security has increased too. Hardly could anyone believe that fully.