The blockchain – what it is part 2

In this article, we continue to look at that comparison by considering other features that make it unique and adaptable for worldwide use such as distributed, a chain of blocks and process integrity.

Dash – an altcoin with a difference

The crypto market is still growing with new crypto assets on a daily basis and catching up on this surge is a challenge. However, there are a good number of older crypto assets that may not be as popular to many as the new ones being offloaded into the market. One such an asset is the Dash.

Implications of blockchain design models (Part 1)

Blockchain designing principles have direct implications on the way the blockchain will scale, operate and interact with users. To a larger extent, the chosen design perspective determines how many users can use the blockchain at a given time and how fast transactions can be processed.

Enterprise blockchain platforms (Part 2)

Enterprise blockchain is designed slightly different from private blockchain in general. Remember, there are three main properties that are taken into consideration when designing a blockchain.

Pitfalls of proof of stake consensus part 1

Aside from addressing many bottlenecks associated with proof of work, proof of stake is not without its flaws. For instance, it seem to have introduced its own problems such as the “Rich getting richer”, liquidity issues and the possibility of one changing the history of the block chain.

Enterprise blockchain platforms part 1

by Lumai Mubanga Enterprise blockchain is essentially the type of blockchain intended to empower a private network with some central authority controls that is able to take part in consensus and validate transactions on the network. The rise of enterprise blockchain has been supported different types of enterprise blockchain platforms. Enterprise blockchain platforms exist precisely […]

Blockchain application and foreign aid

Foreign aid disbursements have been a challenge for donor countries for some time. The aid is normally sent to developing countries in war-torn countries, refugee camps and underdeveloped countries especially in Africa, South America and middle east. some of the challenges have been lack of accountability, absence of records and the aid not reaching the intended recipients. Blockchain, however, seems to have been the solution already. This article will discuss how that could be possible and how it is being done.

Enterprise blockchain platforms (part 3)

The need for more centralization and a choice of consensus mechanisms are among the critical factors that determine the success of individual enterprise blockchains. There are arguments that this compromises on the security feature as opposed to decentralization and scalability.

Does blockchain immutability guarantee accuracy?

The greatest benefits blockchain has introduced into database systems is immutability. While data can be added and “updated”, it cannot be deleted or edited. However, does it guarantee the accuracy of the data?

Likely barriers to blockchain adoption in developed countries

An earlier article looked at the most likely obstacles developing countries are most likely to contend with in adopting blockchain technology in their businesses and government operations. However, this does not mean that all developed countries will easily adopt blockchain as it becomes available.