日志 Mubanga LUMAI

Dash – an altcoin with a difference

The crypto market is still growing with new crypto assets on a daily basis and catching up on this surge is a challenge. However, there are a good number of older crypto assets that may not be as popular to many as the new ones being offloaded into the market. One such an asset is the Dash.

The power of ethereum

Have you ever realized the power of Ethereum? In this article, we will discuss a few applications that the Ethereum blockchain is being used for. With more than 300, 000 developers across the world developing applications using more than 10, 000 nodes, Ethereum’s power is only beginning to be felt.

A smart contract in simple language

The blockchain technology has introduced many terminologies. Common terminologies associated with this include blockchain itself, micropayments, digital currency, and cryptocurrency, halving bitcoins, trust protocols and smart contracts. If you are new to blockchain technology, surely you have a lot to learn. This article will look at smart contracts in simple terms.

The blockchain what is it? (part 1)

The hype is here, the tone is set and the technology is just passing through its infancy into its young adulthood and eventual maturity. At that time we envision blockchain becoming as popular and well understood as the internet is today. Like the internet though, many people were outright skeptical, others optimistic and another group who totally avoided it due to lack of accurate knowledge or merely cultural barriers.

Turnpikes and blockchain, a way to decentralization.

In most cases, an appointed road agency collects funds on behalf of the government. However, some government have been reported to use these funds for political campaigns, personal projects and in some cases, the cash disappears in thin air. How can blockchain decentralize and streamline the use of these funds in a transparent manner?

Can blockchain manage supply chains?

One critical problem that the world faced sometime back was the use of diamonds to fund rebel groups against governments. Such diamonds were referred to as conflict diamonds, or “blood diamonds.” Africa was full of news related to this in the DRC, Central African Republic and Sierra Leon.