What is the blockchain technology not about ?

The blockchain technology is a moving technology. It is a technology that do not have a start point nor an end point. The blockchain technology is a technology on its own.

Increase in the nation production shift

By Wirba Brice Divine Ransinyuy. [email protected] Editor note: Title has been slightly updated Many are those that still doubting the relevance of the blockchain technology in society and the world at large. The human being has always been afraid of one thing or another. At times, the fear really appears to be real, whereas it […]

Why should digital currencies be sovereign?

By Wirba Brice Divine Ransinyuy. [email protected] Digital currency is the current seducing type and form of currency. As time goes on, it keeps on seducing different people from different backgrounds with complete different cultures. Digital currency does not allow anyone untouched. Everyone is attracted by its proximity and reliability. It is a undeniable fact that […]

The cost of bringing the Blockchain Technology to developing countries

By Wirba Brice Divine Ransinyuy. [email protected] Editor Notes: Title is slightly updated The creation and the existence of such a technology like the Blockchain technology is actually good news for the entire world in general and for developing countries in particular. It is a technology that developing countries really need as they are being plagued […]

The concepts of Blockchain technology

By Wirba Brice Divine Ransinyuy. [email protected] Nowadays, Blockchain has become a renowned word in both private and public institutions. Though blockchain was officially launched in January 2009 by Natoshi Sakamoto, it was already existing since 1991, as it was in another form, brought out by Stuart Haber and W. Scott Stornetta. It was a cryptographically […]

Levelling of digital currencies to all users worldwide

By Wirba Brice Divine Ransinyuy. [email protected] This might sound surprising, but the fact is there digital currency is amazing and very nice to use, whether you use it for a private a public reason. It remains very outstanding as a source of digital currency. The interesting fact about this type of currency in particularly the […]

The value of digital currencies in South American countries

By Wirba Brice Divine Ransinyuy. [email protected] Living in the scope that the world is fending on several things in order to make the livelihood of mankind much better is not something easy as some continents are still far backward. This is notably the case with the African and South American countries. These continents have been […]

An overview of how westerners have received Blockchain technology in the European zone

By Wirba Brice Divine Ransinyuy. [email protected] Editor note: Title has been slightly updated The blockchain technology and digital currencies have received a mixed feeling of happiness and Luke warmness. Though on a scale of one hundred percent, the feeling always turn out to be more jovial and much welcoming. This is typical the case of […]

The value of the blockchain technology on alcohol beverage enterprise based on a blockchain verification system.

Due to social distancing being imposed everywhere in all milieux, one has to adapt and manage to get out the best of what is available. The blockchain technology is really a blessing to mankind during these moments of uncertainty. In order to speed up regulations, distributions, logistics, instead of relying on a paper based work verification, the need was there to shift to a blockchain based verification system.

Electronic securities back up with the use of the blockchain technology.

Electronic securities have become a talking point in recent times, that is for the past and recent years. In the face of innovation and constant changes in the domain of the digital world, there is the need of a spontaneous and adequate response in order to preserve online information and transactions in tact.