Hyper ledge, a unique permissioned ledger.

As an open source hosted by the Linux foundation, hyperledger cuts across many industries. Unlike bitcoins, it is actually more enterprise focused than any other similar platform. Nevertheless, just how unique is hyperledger?

Self-sovereign identity and identity management

Today, there are three major problems with how we transact online today: users have low privacy, fraud prevention efforts cost businesses a lot of money, and password-based authentication leads to frequent data breaches. Will the blockchain-based self-sovereign Identity rectify these?

Enterprise blockchain platforms part 1

by Lumai Mubanga Enterprise blockchain is essentially the type of blockchain intended to empower a private network with some central authority controls that is able to take part in consensus and validate transactions on the network. The rise of enterprise blockchain has been supported different types of enterprise blockchain platforms. Enterprise blockchain platforms exist precisely […]

Mining pools what they are?

By Lumai Mubanga. [email protected] Due to the potentially higher costs related to the mining of bitcoins, mining pools were born. Just what are they and what are some pros and cons? Before we explain mining pools, let us briefly explain the types of bitcoin miners. Bear in mind that types of miners are different from […]

The blockchain – what it is not (part 1)

In parts one and two of “blockchain – what it is”, we discussed why the tech design of blockchain has enabled it to be adaptable for worldwide use and adoption. Unlike the internet, blockchain is all about resource and asset management as opposed to information sharing and determination. But is blockchain infallible? What is it not?

The lifecycle of an ICO

Like any undertaking, ICOs undergo several stages leading to the launch of a token or project. However, it must be acknowledged that there’s a lot of learning still going on in the “tokenomics” world.

Crypto bubbles & Ethereum Review

By Lumai Mubanga. [email protected] Editor note from Finmail: The title is slightly updated to reflect the content. Ever heard of Bitcoin and Ethereum Bubbles? The Bitcoin bubble was followed by the Ethereum bubble. Recall that the Bitcoin hype was created by speculative trading and the alleged Chinese business men entry into the cryptocurrency market. After […]

The Bitcoin bubble and altcoins

The crypto space has seen an increase in alternative Cryptocurrencies besides the Bitcoin. Why was the phrase “Bitcoin bubble” coined? What are altcoins and what value do they bring to the ever widening crypto space?

Types of Bitcoin wallets

By Lumai Mubanga. [email protected] There are many forms of crypto wallets but basically, they are categorized into two groups as either hot or cold. Hot Wallets Hot wallets are online based but the difference lies in the method of access. Smartphone Apps Some examples of hot wallets are smartphone apps such as Mycelium and AirBitz. […]

Distributed systems – The foundation of blockchain technology

By Lumai Mubanga. [email protected] There are many current technologies today, whose backbone are distributed systems. We need to understand what distributed systems are to understand blockchain technology. Like many others, blockchain is just a specific type of a distributed system. What are distributed systems and what properties or features do they have that favor the […]