Digital signature schemes – How they work?

By Lumai Mubanga. [email protected] All cryptocurrency users have two types of digital signatures. These are private and public keys. Recall that both messages and transactions are sent over the Bitcoin network pseudonymously and trustlessly. This is achieved partly through the use of digital signatures. Transactions contained in previous blocks of the blockchain are tamper-proof, meaning […]

The power of ethereum

Have you ever realized the power of Ethereum? In this article, we will discuss a few applications that the Ethereum blockchain is being used for. With more than 300, 000 developers across the world developing applications using more than 10, 000 nodes, Ethereum’s power is only beginning to be felt.

How blockchain will surpass certified labels

Millions of individuals have suffered allergic reaction after consuming products bought from some chain stores. How will the adoption and implementation of blockchain helps?

The blockchain – what it is not (part 1)

In parts one and two of “blockchain – what it is”, we discussed why the tech design of blockchain has enabled it to be adaptable for worldwide use and adoption. Unlike the internet, blockchain is all about resource and asset management as opposed to information sharing and determination. But is blockchain infallible? What is it not?

Likely inconsistencies of decentralized systems

By Lumai Mubanga. [email protected] Almost all decentralized systems have some operational weakness. These weaknesses may result in serious inconsistences that may render the whole system difficult to manage as well as inabilities to censor malicious users. Like any other commercial or financial systems, decentralized systems are not immune to human abuse and misuse. Let’s discuss […]

Types of cryptocurrencies

There are three types of cryptocurrencies, namely the self-organizing cryptocurrency, the corporate cryptocurrency and state-based cryptocurrency. This article will highlight some significant differences between them.

The three pillars of a distributed system

By Lumai Mubanga. [email protected] In a previous article, I pointed out that distributed systems are the foundation of the bitcoin/block chain technology. It is now common knowledge, despite many current debates for and against this technology that the world is at a verge of a major breakthrough in technological advancement. For example, think for a […]

Enterprise blockchain platforms (Part 2)

Enterprise blockchain is designed slightly different from private blockchain in general. Remember, there are three main properties that are taken into consideration when designing a blockchain.

Blockchain is secure and trusted but inefficient

The purpose of innovative solutions is to be more efficient, secure and trusted in comparison to present solutions. While blockchain for sure has proved to be more secure and trustworthy, there seems to be one area in which more innovation is required to polish it up and make it to near perfection. That is the area of efficiency.

Fundamental comparison between Ethereum and Hyperledger (part 1)

The fundamental design models between Ethereum and hyper ledger brings out similarities and differences worth noting. This article will point out fundamental comparisons and why users need to take note of them.