The lifecycle of an ICO

Like any undertaking, ICOs undergo several stages leading to the launch of a token or project. However, it must be acknowledged that there’s a lot of learning still going on in the “tokenomics” world.

Types of Bitcoin wallets

By Lumai Mubanga. [email protected] There are many forms of crypto wallets but basically, they are categorized into two groups as either hot or cold. Hot Wallets Hot wallets are online based but the difference lies in the method of access. Smartphone Apps Some examples of hot wallets are smartphone apps such as Mycelium and AirBitz. […]

High profile dapps on ethereum. Are they for you?

This article will look at one high profile applications on Ethereum, namely; Augur, excluding Digix and Maker. These are decentralized applications, otherwise known as Dapps on the blockchain.

Enterprise blockchain platforms (part 3)

The need for more centralization and a choice of consensus mechanisms are among the critical factors that determine the success of individual enterprise blockchains. There are arguments that this compromises on the security feature as opposed to decentralization and scalability.

How Africa can immensely benefit from blockchain technology (part 3)

In this article, we will discuss how Africa can still benefit in other areas such as credible voting.

How blockchain can be used to manage land titles

Many underdeveloped countries have a huge challenge in accounting for the massive land they own. With millions of hectares of land available largely owned by the state, they lack the mechanism to properly manage, allocate and account for.

Can blockchain manage supply chains?

One critical problem that the world faced sometime back was the use of diamonds to fund rebel groups against governments. Such diamonds were referred to as conflict diamonds, or “blood diamonds.” Africa was full of news related to this in the DRC, Central African Republic and Sierra Leon.

Hyper ledge, a unique permissioned ledger.

As an open source hosted by the Linux foundation, hyperledger cuts across many industries. Unlike bitcoins, it is actually more enterprise focused than any other similar platform. Nevertheless, just how unique is hyperledger?

Blockchain design – the 5 perspectives to consider.

There are many types of blockchain designs and each is built on any of the five pillars we will discuss in this article. However, we hasten to state that there could be something already being developed that will surpass current knowledge.

Blockchain and the stock exchange

If after hours trading refers to the case of trading, what’s stopping financial institutions from enabling after hours trading online today?