Blockchain and scholarship awards

n some developing countries, the award of scholarships to needy sections of society is not done transparently and fairly. How can blockchain be applied in such situations to bring fairness and transparency in the whole selection and award process?

Proof of work, a “weak” but desired protocol

The proof of work protocol has been in use for some time and notably for good reasons. Despite its deficiencies in terms of delayed transaction processing speeds, proof of work is considered a deliberate design meant to win the trust of network users. How so?

Implications of blockchain design models (Part 1)

Blockchain designing principles have direct implications on the way the blockchain will scale, operate and interact with users. To a larger extent, the chosen design perspective determines how many users can use the blockchain at a given time and how fast transactions can be processed.

Blockchain applications in real estate

Malicious attackers, poor record-keeping, government corruption and natural disasters have made land management and real estate management a real challenge. How is the blockchain technology being applied to solve some of these problems?

Why people may be turning to blockchain for financial trust

After the 2007 to 2009 financial meltdown that left millions financially stranded and asset-stripped, people seemed to have gained a measure of trust to blockchain and cryptocurrencies that came on board almost immediately.

Validating transactions in crypto space

By Lumai Mubanga. [email protected] The absence of a central control master in cryptocurrencies creates the question of who validates transactions when making or receiving payments. This article explains how Bitcoin transactions and other cryptocurrencies are validated. Let us begin with the traditional banking transaction scenario. The client’s fund is aggregated into one count. When a […]

Illegal poaching, how can blockchain help?

With so many use case coming up for a lot more scenarios, this article endeavours to speculate how blockchain can be used in the near future to help fight poaching and natural resource depletion especially in African countries that seem to be at the receiving end of these illegal activities.

How smart contracts enhanced blockchain autonomy

Autonomy in blockchain has always been its focus. When the etherium blockchain introduced the use of smart contracts, it became apparent that autonomy on the blockchain was poised for a wider spectrum. How so?

How blockchain threatens traditional third parties (part 2)

In addition to part 1, this article will focus on some other third party based payment systems and how their existence could be threatened because of the unrelenting conquest launched by block chain.

How powerful is blockchain disintermediation effect?

Disintermediation is the ability to remove intermediaries in financial transactions to save costs. Blockchain has however demonstrated that intermediaries can be done away with effectively, if not at a lesser cost than is attainable today.