Implications of blockchain design models PoW (Part 2)

In part 1, we discussed the implications of using generic and public or private design models on blockchain operations. In part two, we will further discuss the implications of using a chosen consensus algorithm on the operations of a blockchain platform.

Possible effects of blockchain on world business enterprises.

With Blockchain gaining more and more momentum and adaptations across different platform, it appears the technology is just heating up and is yet to reach its climax in ita transformative wave across businesses. This article endeavours to speculate on the possible effects Blockchain will have on businesses in general.

Suitable business models to leverage blockchain

When the internet became widely adopted, it was clear that many companies were going to adopt it. Today, almost all companies, learning institutions and government agencies have adopted the internet and benefit from its services. Can the same be said of blockchain?

Proof of work, a “weak” but desired protocol

The proof of work protocol has been in use for some time and notably for good reasons. Despite its deficiencies in terms of delayed transaction processing speeds, proof of work is considered a deliberate design meant to win the trust of network users. How so?

Health Care on Hyper ledger, a perfect example

The main challenges affecting health care institutions, especially ones where they have diverse clientele dotted in different locations is keeping trusted data in sync. With thousands of payments and claims to be made each day, they need a system that can quickly process, sync, minimize any serious errors, and provide an accurate record of trusted data.

The “new” Ox protocol

how “new” is the new way the Ox protocol work with regard to the exchange coins? If you know, the person you want to trade with, all you need is to send an Ox order via messenger or email. Then, all they need to do is accept the order and execute.

How blockchain threatens traditional third parties (part 2)

In addition to part 1, this article will focus on some other third party based payment systems and how their existence could be threatened because of the unrelenting conquest launched by block chain.

Enterprise blockchain platforms (Part 2)

Enterprise blockchain is designed slightly different from private blockchain in general. Remember, there are three main properties that are taken into consideration when designing a blockchain.

How blockchain can help Africa reduce natural resource depletion

So far, much has been written about blockchain use cases that were never thought about, but have become a reality. Can blockchain be used in Africa to reduce century-old challenges related to its abundant natural resources other than diamonds, emeralds, and other precious minerals?

MakerDAO, a decentralized finance or Defi application. is it for you?

Decentralized finance has immerged as an offshoot from the blockchain. Decentralized finance was probably unknown when bitcoin was first launched. However, it has become prominent with the surge of Ethereum network. What is it all about and is it one of those crypto “circuits” you can explore?