An overview of how westerners have received Blockchain technology in the European zone

By Wirba Brice Divine Ransinyuy. [email protected] Editor note: Title has been slightly updated The blockchain technology and digital currencies have received a mixed feeling of happiness and Luke warmness. Though on a scale of one hundred percent, the feeling always turn out to be more jovial and much welcoming. This is typical the case of […]

The blockchain – what it is part 2

In this article, we continue to look at that comparison by considering other features that make it unique and adaptable for worldwide use such as distributed, a chain of blocks and process integrity.

Bitcoin’s threat to the potentially endangered global financial system (part 1)

By 2020, the cryptocurrency dream may be dead. This does not mean that cryptocurrencies will disappear. But in the last decade, all the financial romantics that have reached the heights of bitcoin and different currencies have been taken into account. Whether you like the idea of ​​a world free of central banks and other corporate giants.

Blockchain and tollgate fee management

Tollgates around the world are used as revenue collection points from motorists on behalf of the government. The idea is to prioritize road repair and maintenance without waiting for government budgets. How blockchain can help improve present system works?

How the blockchain technology has progressed to work in the formal and informal sectors

As a result of the covid-19 pandemic, many governments enforced lockdown in the countries or cities with the aim of slowing down the spread of the virus in the different spheres of their life. This lockdown has impacted seriously private as well as public businesses.

Blockchain applications in real estate

Malicious attackers, poor record-keeping, government corruption and natural disasters have made land management and real estate management a real challenge. How is the blockchain technology being applied to solve some of these problems?

Distributed systems – The foundation of blockchain technology

By Lumai Mubanga. [email protected] There are many current technologies today, whose backbone are distributed systems. We need to understand what distributed systems are to understand blockchain technology. Like many others, blockchain is just a specific type of a distributed system. What are distributed systems and what properties or features do they have that favor the […]

Proof of work, a “weak” but desired protocol

The proof of work protocol has been in use for some time and notably for good reasons. Despite its deficiencies in terms of delayed transaction processing speeds, proof of work is considered a deliberate design meant to win the trust of network users. How so?

Mining pools what they are?

By Lumai Mubanga. [email protected] Due to the potentially higher costs related to the mining of bitcoins, mining pools were born. Just what are they and what are some pros and cons? Before we explain mining pools, let us briefly explain the types of bitcoin miners. Bear in mind that types of miners are different from […]

Blockchain technology overview

By Mathew Gideon Blockchain technology is simply defined as decentralized distributed ledger which has a unique key that records the provenance of a digital asset collected through a network that sits on top of the internet and records can’t be altered without the alteration of all subsequent blocks. Blockchain develop trust among the community enabling […]