4. Deposit

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Before making a payout, please make sure the account balance is enough. If the balance is insufficient, you need to make deposit in advance. Presently only bitcoin (BTC) is supported.

Deposit from external digital currency wallet

  1. Click the “Payment” button on the toolbar, then click “Deposit” on the left panel to open the Deposit page.
  2. Click the address line under “By BTC Address:”
  3. After click, there should be a green background message saying “Address copied”. If the message does not appear, you can try clicking the address again, or copy the address manually.
  4. Paste the copied address into a the external digital currency wallet, for example Bitcoin-Core, then make a transfer in the external digital currency wallet.
  5. Click “History” to review deposit details in the History page. Depending on the digital currency network, the transfer may take several minutes to hours. If the status is “Confirming”, the deposit is on going. Once the status is changed to “Confirmed”, the deposit is completed.
  6. Click “Payout” to find the updated balance. The deposit is done.

Deposit from another Finmail email account in a standalone way

  1. In the Payout page of another Finmail email account (sender), fill in your email address into the “Receiver Address” field.
  2. In the sender’s Payout page, fill in the amount and choose the currency
  3. In the sender’s Payout page, click anywhere, then the page will be grayed for a short while around 1-2 seconds. After that, the “Fee” will be updated automatically. In the current way, the fee should be 0. If the payment information is invalid, the fee will be “N/A”.
  4. Click the “Pay” button in the send’s Payout page, confirm payment details in a popup dialog, then fill in the payment password and click the “Confirm” button.
  5. The fund should be transferred from the sender’s Finmail email account to your account immediately.
  6. Click “Payout” to find the updated balance in the Payout page. The deposit is done.

Deposit from another Finmail email account by email

  1. Click “Compose” button in the Mail page of another Finmail email account (sender), then fill your email address into the “To” field in the Compose page.
  2. In the sender’s Compose page, fill in email Subject and email content
  3. In the sender’s “Payments to email recipients” section of the Compose page, click the drop-down box after “Pay To”, then click your email address.
  4. In the sender’s “Payments to email recipients” section of the Compose page, fill in the amount and choose the currency.
  5. In the sender’s “Payments to email recipients” section of the Compose page, click anywhere, then the section will be grayed for a short while around 1-2 seconds. After that, the “Fee” will be updated automatically. In the current way, the fee should be 0. If the payment information is invalid, the fee will be “N/A”.
  6. In the sender’s Compose page, click the “Send” button
  7. In a popup dialog, the sender confirms payment details, then fill in the payment password and click the “Confirm” button
  8. Once the email is successfully sent, the fund should be transferred from the sender’s Finmail email account to your account immediately.
  9. In your email list, the email with payment should have a green money-bill icon. You can open the email and find payment details in the attachment section.
  10. Click “Payment” button on the toolbar, then click “Payout” to find the updated balance in your Payout page. The deposit is done
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